
Monday, September 27, 2021

Random thoughts on a Monday afternoon

  •  It hasn't even been a good month yet  and it's  started already.

  • Usually at my job when someone reaches the 20 year mark they get a gift. My 20th work anniversary came and went with no comment from HR. I don't know if it's because I gave them resistance on the vax requirement or if they simply have dropped the graceful gesture altogether. 

  • Pope Francis has not gone crazy. I think he's been like this all along. 

  • The Fairfield Carmelites are in danger.

  • Pray for us, Father Kaupan.

  • We had a very odd experience at Mass two weeks ago. It was  Young Adults Sunday and Rocky and I were surprised to see the bishop as the celebrant. There was a full choir, instead of one cantor and we were treated to the long versions of Protestant hymns including one during Communion that sounded like a man talking to a girlfriend. Many people attending the Mass appeared to take some care with their clothes and hair which is definitely not the norm. Both Rocky and I were taken aback because this Mass was celebrated with more seriousness than the Masses for Christmas and Easter. I'm not knocking the Young Adults Mass but it was disconcerting to see that the Mass celebrating them appeared to be more important than any other Mass held in the past year. 

Monday, September 06, 2021

Is Protestant Knowledge of the Bible Really Superior to that of Catholics? I Don't Think So.

I've been doing virtual Bible study at my current parish. On the first day the priest-- who is a fine young man and I like him--- made the same shaming speech that we Catholics always hear. It's the line about how Protestants know their bible so much better than Catholics and how we should imitate them presumably because if you can't quote whole chapters then you don't really love God.  That speech increasing irritates me the older I get. I sat and listened to Father and thought, 'So what!'

Yes---So what! I wonder if the people who make that shaming speech know any Protestants. When Saint Jerome said, "Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ," he was speaking to a world where most people were illiterate. Most people were hearing the Bible at Mass or at Vespers if they went to a monastery in the evening. St. Jerome was not saying pick up a Bible and twist the readings to whatever you want. Interpretation of the Bible without Tradition leads to heresy and disaster.

My  brother-in-law is a Jehovah's Witness. He can spit Bible verses like bullets from a machine gun but you know what? Ninety percent of the time he's wrong. The JWs interpretation of the Bible is flawed with horrifying results.  Think of all the JWs who have died because the JWs believe that blood transfusions are cannibalism and cause the victim who needed the transfusion to be damned. Think of all the JWs who lived and died believing that only exactly 144,000 people are going to Heaven and the rest will either live in Garden of Eden II or experience soul annihilation.  

Mormons are very serious about studying the King James Bible along with their Book of Mormon. A good Mormon can drop some quotes on you and expound on what they "really" mean. Their interpretation says that Our Lord and the Devil were brothers and that if you are a truly saintly Mormon you will be rewarded by God with being a god of your own planet. Their interpretation also forbids tea and coffee.

My mother's family are Baptists. Their interpretation of the Bible says that all you have to do is to accept that Jesus is Lord in your life and then you are saved forever. So you can go drinking and sin sexually on Saturday night but it's all good if you show up sober and embarrassed about the previous night on Sunday morning and pay your tithes. In fact, you don't have to go to church at all or just on holy days such as "Communion" First Sunday or just for Bible study as long as you pay your tithes. Oh, and divorce and remarriage is okay if the first spouse was not a godly person. I think St. Jadwiga, St. Monica, Blessed Elizabeth Leseur and St. Clotilda would laugh at that. My beloved uncle can quote the King James Bible at length. My dear cousin, his son  is the head deacon at his church and can do the same. 

Have you heard of the Scofield Bible? Millions of Evangelicals who devoutly study Cyrus Scofield's Bible's interpretation believe that the modern, secular state of Israel is holy and must be loved and unquestioningly defended on pain of sin. To put it bluntly, they believe that if you are not a Zionist you either need to get right with God or you are going to Hell.

Think of all the Protestants who believe in the Rapture. Their preacher's interpretation of the Bible tells them that they will be whisked away and avoid all the horrors of the End Times. 

I'm not writing this to mock these people but I think it's important that Catholics stop accepting constant demoralization in regards to formal Bible study.  If you are lucky the leader of your Bible study will keep referring to what St. Jerome and the other early Church Fathers said about the Bible and will point you towards Haydock's Commentary and/or St. Thomas Aquianas's Catena Aurea. If you aren't you'll get to hear about how Jesus choosing His apostles was like a quarterback choosing his team (I sat through that talk once) or how all of Salvation history is just some kind of feminist struggle. Bleech! 

Saturday, September 04, 2021

random thoughts on a Saturday afternoon

  • Beware the priest who has a female fan club. When you see Father talking about soap operas or romantic comedies with his female buddies and if he allows his gal pals to mock the pious women in the parish don't be surprised when you see the Blessed Sacrament in a separate room and hear questionable things from the ambo. If you notice that the men in the parish don't come anywhere near him and he's never once crossed the threshold of the parish hall room where the men's group meets then you should not be surprised when Father Skippy eventually makes the news in a bad way.

  • Last week was really hard. I didn't cook and barely cleaned. When I wasn't working I was lying in bed in an eye mask in the dark fighting  headaches. Rocky spent most of the evenings watching over me. Thank God for good husbands.

  • This is a really good site for anyone who is new to the traditional Mass. 

  • You need to read this.  And then, you  really need to read this.  Study it. I have many Muslim neighbors. Even the strictest of them look at the Afghans and shake their heads. Apparently thousands are already in my state and its just a matter of time before they are released into the general population. After that, some woman, girl or boy will be made to suffer. This group of men is not the same as the few Afghans who immigrated here over the decades and quietly fitted in. When a thousand guys show in your town or state at once it was in saner times seen as an invasion.
    I was in a discussion on a social media site and this subject came up. One person mentioned that Catholic Charities was heavily into resettlement with tax payer money and cursed us Catholics. While I objected to the curse I really couldn't say much of anything because it's true. When you give to Catholic Charities you are working against your own neighbor's interests and helping to stir up hostility. I've said it before and I'll say it again: When somebody's loved ones get hurt they aren't going to say, "Oh well Jewish groups bring immigrants here and so do Lutheran groups." They are going to say, "The Catholics! The Catholics!" That's not good. 

  • My HR department sent out an e-mail on Friday announcing that the firm is 99% vaxxed and reminding us that 'Rona boosters will be available soon. I got so angry I deleted it. Damnit, it's not enough to threaten our jobs unless we take the vax but we have to be boosted too? No! 

  • A witch has moved into my neighborhood. She has her posters everywhere offering to read the cards for foolish customers. I say the St. Michael prayer whenever I see them. 

  • This Reverent Mass locator is very helpful. I was happy to see my old parish and my back up parish included.

  • Have you ever noticed that the same women who scream the loudest about killing their children have nothing to say about putting the same amount of passion into not getting pregnant in the first place? It's become an open anti-sacrament.