
Monday, December 26, 2005


I've been listening to a CD ofA Christmas Carol performed by Basil Rathbone and a couple of weird thoughts came to me. Is it really poor old Scrooge's fault that Tiny Tim is sickly? Perhaps Bob Cratchit should get another job. Scrooge can't be too bad, Cratchit has been in his employ for years. And what about Fred? He looks sympathetically at poor old Bob but he never once makes a move to help. Instead of preaching at Scrooge why doesn't Fred drop a few coins in the Cratchit palm. And why is it required that Scrooge be nice to Fred? We all have relatives that we could really do without.

Weird thoughts aside. I do love A Christmas Carol.

On Christmas Eve we went to Mass at midnight. It was very good. I would've preferred to go to the Cathedral in DC but my husband was tired and so was I. Father Gandalf (I think I'll call him Father Theoden from now on. That's who he really reminds me of now) gave a fine homily and Father Aragorn co celebrated. We had one jolly looking seminarian and one scrubbed clean altar boy. The cantor kept her showgirl tendencies under controll and the people, except for one loud old man in the back were well behaved.

Thank you, Jesus for coming to us. Thank you for starting out on Your rescue mission in that stable in Bethlehem. Thank you for completing in on the cross in Jerusalem.