
Thursday, October 28, 2010

there is a war on, you know

It's a spiritual war and not all the players are flesh and blood. A Muslim man joined liturgical dancers in England and tried to stab a bishop. He is said to be crazy. Another Muslim man danced rather badly on the altar in a Venetian cathedral. He is confined to a hospital and is said to be mad as a March hare. A 69 year old bishop in Canada was severley beaten in his rectory and a priest who came to his aid was also attacked by a man whom authorities say is deranged. Earlier this year a bishop was stabbed to death by the man the Turkish government had sent to be his driver.

In famously nice Minnesota a Democrat ran a frankly anti-Catholic ad. In San Francisco the city council has condemned Catholicism. In England an ice cream ad features models dressed up as priests in sexually suggestive poses. In Washington DC, an actor dressed up as a priest will mock Catholics on the National Mall while giving a "benediction" at the Jon Stewart (he's a comdian) rally. The malignant enemy is working with an ancient playbook but it's devastatingly effective : Strike down the officers and the army is thrown into confusion. Pray for our priests.

Sts. Peter and Paul, priestly martyrs of Spain, France, Russia and Mexico, pray for your brother priests who are in danger!