
Friday, April 26, 2013

Don't accept the codswallop!

St. Francis was not an effete flower child who went skipping around Italy with a blue bird on his shoulder and a St. Bernard at his knee...

St. Joseph was not aimlessly wandering around Bethlehem. He  went there to pay his taxes....

St. Catherine of Sienna was not a feminst...

St. Therese did not drift around her convent looking dreamy. She was actually a warrior who offered her incredible suffering for the salvation of souls, specially those of priests...

And no, Brooklyn Diocese, Our Lord did not have an overly precious hair cut and skinny girl jeans.
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, meet Archbishop Fulton Sheen who once said, “The only way to win audiences is to tell people about the life and death of Christ. Every other approach is a waste.”