
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Random thoughts

*Carol of the Tenth Crusade blog received a somewhat veiled threat against herself and her family. Some poor soul got so wound up about the freely stated opinions on her blog that he actually claims to be watching her kids.  

Have you ever noticed that the meanest, most misogynist, and dangerous people tend to be activists who claim to be for freedom and love?

Mary Stachowicz, pray for us.

*Have you ever clammed up in Confession because you're afraid the priest will recognize your voice? Don't be afraid. Your priest has heard all kinds of things before you came to him and he's not going to run screaming from the confessional. This homily explains it beautifully.

*Yesterday, Rocky and I stopped by a church that we know has a 24 hour Adoration Chapel. A Hispanic prayer group was having a Mass and benediction. The crowd was huge but very well organized. Men in reflecting vests directed traffic. Young ladies in blue and young men in red ushered, opened doors and assisted people inside the church.  It was really was an awesome display of love for Jesus that was spoiled by one thing: we were not welcome. It's obvious that we were not Hispanic and although most people were polite we got some "What are you doing here?" hard stares.  I was inclined to go back to the car but Rocky took my hand and that was it. We went in to the chapel, sat with the Lord, prayed  and  everything was fine. Once we stepped across the chapel threshold we quickly left.

 Segregating the parish on racial lines is not a good thing and it didn't have to be this way.  When we go to the Divine Mercy Shrine in Baltimore, the Polish ladies are wonderfully kind and friendly. One old darling said to us, "This church is for everybody!" The Polish priests go out of their way to make visitors feel welcome. Whoever runs the Oracion Grupo should try to do the same.

* If you have a priest who is willing and able to say the TLM, don't be a jerk if his Latin pronunciation isn't perfect (Is yours? I bet it aint.), or if  he makes a mistake or if he chooses a perfectly valid option that you don't care for. There are many people who would love to be able to go to a bishop approved traditional Mass that's in a regular church at a sensible hour. I've heard stories about people who had to drive for hours or go at 5AM in the morning or in the most dangerous neighborhood in the diocese. Give thanks for what you have.