
Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Screaming in pain

A lot people are freaking out over Pope Francis. They are seriously talking about running to the Orthodox, or sedevacantism, or finding an independent chapel. I've run across a few people who say their Faith is hanging by a thread. Our brothers and sisters who love the Church are suffering and nobody seems to have any comfort for them.
To those who are thinking about leaving I implore you to wait. Wait like Mary did at the foot of the cross. Even though things look a mess. It was messier on Mt. Calvary. Jesus barely looked like Himself after the scourging and was a horrible sight to behold. But Mary saw her Son. Imitate her. Wait another hour, another day, another month and keep praying.
And then there are the folks who aren't breaking down but are seriously tired. I've read increasing comments from people who have decided to simply tune out. They are going to their parish and refuse to discuss or listen to anything having to do with current events in the Church. They will sit in the pews, throw a dollar in the collection basket and remain silent unless their pastor announces something crazy like wanting to paint  the parish's 18th century reredos hot pink with neon accents. I've noticed hat  a few bloggers have stated that they are either shutting down their blogs or just not writing about Catholic matters anymore. One of my favorite bloggers made the switch a couple of years ago and only writes about politics.  I am not going to  criticize these people. They are doing their best and trying not to reach the freak out stage. God bless them. Rest, and do what you have to but don't leave....please!