
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Random thoughts...

Sacred Heart of Jesus I trust in Thee.

*I haven't given a dime to Catholic Charities in years and it looks like I won't be giving anymore in the near or distant future but they don't need it. They have a new sugar daddy and his name is Uncle Sam.  Les Femmes has the story. As I said before this is going to boomerang on the Church and it's already starting. People are not grumbling against the Episocopalian groups or the Baptist groups in the comment boxes I've read this weekend. They are blaming the Catholics and by the way, these people don't come off as the usual anti-Catholics. They sound like normal people who feel that they've been tricked.

*Pope gotcha down? I sympathize. I will not tell you to buck up or pooh pooh you and I think Michael Voris, whom I usually like, is wrong when he tells Catholics to take chill pill. St. Catherine of Sienna and St. Henry did not hush up and chill when it came to a messy papal situation. In Voris's defense I'm guessing that he's part of my generation. Except for the folks who were lucky enough to be in unhip backwater parishes, we mostly grew up with  crazy or effeminate priests, and bishops who seemed determined to stamp out what orthodoxy remained in their parishes.  The only one we had to look up to was the pope.  I suspect that for Voris to say one word of criticism about the Holy Father is going to be like passing a kidney stone. As for those who are openly expressing alarm over the current Holy Father, I will only say this: It must have been very painful for good Catholics who lived in Rome and daily saw Pope Alexander VI with his mistress and children. God has put us on this earth at this particular time to live with this particular pope for a reason. Mary, help of Christians, pray for us.

*I don't watch network TV anymore and haven't for years. Those of you who still do have a choice to make regarding CBS. 

*Awhile back there was a series of posts at the LMS blog on Catholic fashion. To be honest I found the whole thing tiresome and a little snotty. Catholic ladies, dress however you like ---as long as it's modest, appropriate to the situation and doesn't make you look a fool.

*I saw this on the Ramblings of a Deranged Mind blog and thought it was worth saving in my quote journal. While Americans are distracted by stupid stuff, things are happening and we have no one to blame but ourselves.