
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A woman to admire

Being Catholic I am perfectly used to powerful women and having gone to all girl schools I know that the female of the species can be more ferocious than the male under the right circumstances. Consequently, neither  Hilary Clinton nor 90% of female politicians today impress me. Although some people are calling Pope John Paul II "great," the name hasn't stuck yet. That is a rare title for a very few male saints  and only one woman, that I know of, a German Benedictine nun, who was blessed with visitations from the Lord, St. Gertrude the Great.  Her writings won the admiration of St. Teresa of Avila who looked at her as a role model. Both St. Philip Neri and St. Francis de Sales used her prayers and recommended her book, Herald of Divine Love. If you want a role model skip the pop starlets and singers and take a look at the Great One.