
Thursday, April 13, 2006

Tenebrae & Holy Thursday

My husband and I went to Tenebrae at St. Matthews Cathedral last night. It was beautiful as usual. Cardinal McCarrick was there. Afterwards I remarked to my husband that the cardinal seems to be leaning in the same direction as the late Cardinal Hickey. Hickey was passionately interested in what was happening in El Salvador and Latin America. I just wish he'd been more interested in what was happening in the DC diocese. Somebody should have corrected the late Eugene Marino before his scandal hit the papers. Somebody should've taken a long look at Fr. George Stallings before he went of the deep end but no……..

Tonight we went back to Saint Matthews for the 5:30 Mass of the Lord's Supper. It was beautiful. There were so many people that it was hot inside and I was glad to kneel on the cool gray marble floor. And when the people gave their responses it was like the ocean coming in at high tide. The cardinal spoke with his usual charm and eloquence. People seemed to be concentrating and there was no chattering-- just that wonderful kind of silence you can only have when a crowd is still. Afterwards the Blessed Sacrament was exposed until 10 PM.