
Monday, January 01, 2007

Mary the Mother of God Mass

We went to Blessed Sacrament in Alexandria. It's one of the ugliest churches in the Arlington (Saint Ann's aka "the stadium" may be uglier but not by much) diocese but good things are happening there. Fr. Kreegan is a no nonsense old school priest and he has two plucky young parochial vicars but oh the music was ghastly. It reminded me of an AME Zion church service and I don't mean that as a compliment. Also there was an altar girl.

On the plus side the eucharistic ministers had the day off. (Yay! Yay! Yay! Woo Hah!) Instead three priests offered communion. There was only one familiar song played and no-one sang to it becuase everyone was rushing out. Oh well.

Does anybody know why today was not a holy day of obligation? So what if it's on a Monday. Most people were home today, it being New Years and all.