
Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Laredo Kid gets ordained

"Receive the Gospel of Christ, whose herald you now are.
Believe what you read.
Teach what you believe.
Practice what you teach."
From the deacon's ordiantion rite

One of our friends was ordained as a deacon yesterday at the Basilica in DC. The Laredo Kid (um, no that aint his name, it's what I call him) will be a deacon for a year and then next year he'll be ordained as a priest. Thanks be to God.

Afterwards friends and family went back to the Kid's seminary for a beautiful reception. I enjoyed the food far too well and happily ate more than I usually do. My scale showed the result this morning. Ah well. Two things really struck me: After looking down at the floor for a while and studying the feet of of the priests and seminarians I noticed that there are a vast array of sensible black shoes for a man to buy. The second thing that I noticed was how badly young Catholic women dress. Who told us that we have to wear shapeless schmattas in public? Who ever said that unkempt hair was virtuous? Ugh!

After the reception we went to the Newman bookstore. It's the biggest Catholic bookstore in DC and it was a feast for a book lover. After that we headed over to the Icon and Bookstore that is run by the Holy Cross Monastery. If you go to DC please stop by. It's an incredible place. I was astonished by the beauty of the icons and the dear lady who runs it is a charmer. Rocky and I plan to go back as soon as we can.