
Sunday, June 01, 2008

Psst. Wanna improve vocations numbers?

Here are two suggestions:

  1. Move the effeminate priests into the chancery or to non-parish assignments. Back when I was growing up there were so many soft looking and acting priests walking around that parishioners were startled and delighted when a priest came along who was manly. I'm not saying these guys are gay and that doesn't matter in this context. No young man wants to hang around with the squishy, effeminate guy. He may be polite to him. He may respect his office but he'd never in a million years want to go to the seminary if he believes all the other guys are going to be like Fr. Skippy.

  2. Stop showing those horribly girly looking paintings of Jesus. No man wants to look like that and you frighten guys into thinking that holiness is strictly woman stuff: