
Monday, September 29, 2008

The fabulous Kit Brookside loves my blog! The rules of this meme are that I have to complete the questions name the person who gave the award and pass it on.

1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Where is your significant other? work
3. Your hair color? dark
4. Your mother? SC
5. Your father? SC
6. Your favorite thing? cheese
7. Your dream last night? weird, 8. Your dream/goal? beauty 9. The room you're in? bedroom
10. Your hobby? blog
11. Your fear? failure
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home
13. Where were you last night? church
14. What you're not? bored
15. One of your wish-list items? dress
16. Where you grew up? DC
17. The last thing you did? read
18. What are you wearing? Orvis
19. Your TV? old
20 Your pet? dead
21. Your computer? pc
22. Your mood? grumpy
23. Missing someone? Nope
24. Your car? Ford
25. Something you're not wearing? coat
26. Favorite store? Borders
27. Your summer? fast
28. Love someone? sure
29. Your favorite color? black
30. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
31. Last time you cried? Sunday
I nominate everyone in my links list because I really do love their blogs.