
Sunday, April 26, 2009

I confess

  • Although I liked Fr. Neuhaus, First Things bored me and still does.

  • I feel like I ought to like the What's Wrong With the World blog but it just reminds me too much of the cool kids in high school.

  • I think Kathy Shaidle's quip about Rod Dreher is one of the funniest things I've ever read.

  • I like Fr. Z of the WDTPRS blog but his commenters are so precious that they annoy me. On the WDTPRS blog a reader wrote in to complain that he/she went to a church that switched the Tridentine Mass with the Divine Mercy Mass. When TLM attendees showed up and found that their Mass was not going to happen they left. The reader was shocked. I feel some sympathy for these folks. They probably traveled some distance to get to a Mass that had been for all practical purposes canceled, and you know what? Not every Catholic is into the Divine Mercy devotion (I am) and as long as they kept their Sunday obligation they had a right to leave. For all this reader knows they could've caught a later Mass somewhere else. I've done that on occasion. Upon realizing that I didn't want to sit through the charismatic Mass or the Spanish Mass I've picked myself up and gone to another parish. On Sunday in my diocese if you are willing to drive you can go to Mass at six in the morning or 7 at night. I've even heard rumours about a wonky 10 PM Mass at Georgtown. Out of all the people who left one guy said he wouldn't be going to Mass at all since he'd missed his regular one. Why judge everybody by the actions of one man?
  • The Catholic distributists are nice folks but dull, dull, dull.

  • The Catholic let's-hide-from-the-world-and-raise-chickens crowd make me laugh---not with them but at them.
