
Friday, April 03, 2009

Queen Athalaiah lives on

Queen Athalaiah was the daughter of Jezebel and like her infamous mother, she worshiped Baal. She is remembered in the bible as the queen who ruled Judea alone and who had her grandsons killed. In the name of power for herself she killed her male infant relatives. Interesting.
Anyone who tells you that the world would be a pink and candy coated place if only women ran things is either mentally dull or a feminist. Actually women are just as vicious, and can be crueler than the average guy could ever dram of being.

Women are capable of violence, and some of us, like Reverend Katherine Hancock Ragsdale are evil bitches who will encourage others to condone or commit murder.

The Sisterhood has it's rules. First, separate the woman from the man. Then get the woman to hate her children. Teach her whine and rail against the day to day grind of taking care of a house and kids. Encourage her to see them and the Man as burdens holding her back. Get her to contracept and even kill.... The spirit of Athalaiah lives on. Instead of a crown her "daughters" wear a nice suit and a pleasant smile. Sometimes they wear judges robes, and in the case of the Rev., sometimes they dress up in vestments.