
Friday, January 01, 2010

Feast of Mary, Mother of God

Happy New Year to you all. 2009 was the worst year I can remember. I've seen hard working people sick with worry about their jobs and homes. My cousin and her husband both lost their jobs at the same time. I have one friend who's been looking for work for 6 months now. She's got an excellent resume and years of experience but there are no jobs in her field. Rocky and I drove through Baltimore back in the Summer and we saw block after block of empty foreclosed houses. One neighborhood looked like something out of a apocalyptic sci-fi movie. And now people who have jobs and who can afford their mortgages are choosing to walk away from their homes. Lord, I never thought I'd see the day...

There are people at my job who believe Obama will save them. Poor saps. I do not put my trust in princes. I look to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and I look to Mary, Mother of God and saint of saints. I put my trust in Heaven.
Ex Fide, Fortis