
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dymphna goes to the convention

I've been at the American Library Association convention all weekend. It's always a blast being around other librarians. I noticed two interesting things:

First, Catholic publishers do a really pathetic job of promoting themsleves and the Faith. I saw booths from Tyndale, the Mormons and Zondervan publishers. I even saw two Islamic publishers. Not one Catholic publisher got even a tiny booth at the biggest collection of librarians in North America. Where was Ignatius Press? Where was Tan? Instead of tyring to make Catholic book readers feel guilty by sending them begging letters and e-mails--- I'm looking at you Envoy and Sophia Press---somebody should've been at work in DC this weekend.

Second, the vampire craze in teen lit seems to have peaked. Instead I saw a number of sexy demon romance books.That's right. Instead of fantasizing about a vampire or were wolf or wizard your teenager can now imagine herself in the arms of lover who might actualy drag her to hell. Come back Edward Cullen, you brooding, sparkly little wimp, all is forgiven.