
Friday, June 24, 2011

St. John the Baptist

John the Baptist must have been amazing. He told the pharisees and King Herod exactly what they were. He didn't give a rip about what people thought and hated sin. I've  heard people try use the Baptist as an excuse for coming to Mass looking like they've been planting stink weeds and as a symbol of homelessness and it always makes me want to laugh. The Baptist wasn't a lazy slob and he wasn't a drunkard, drug addict or insane. He was, Our Lord, said, "the greatest man born of woman." What a tribute! He lived a tough life, an extreme life, yes but one that many holy known and unknown hermits would've understood completely.

Mighty St. John, the son of Elizabeth and Zarchariah, cousin and forerunner to Our Lord, pray for us.