
Thursday, August 25, 2011


Rocky and I were daytripping in Richmond when the earthquake hit. Oddly enough we didn't feel a thing. We were between the river and the canal on the flood walk and the most excitement we had was watching the train go by. My in-laws in Prince William County thought that something was wrong with their car. My brother-in-law in Caroline County thought that his cess pool had somehow exploded and was relieved it was an earthquake instead.

When Rocky and I  left the canal walk and headed downtown we noticed that an unusual amount of people were on the streets and that   we couldn't get through on our cell phones to call DC or Virginia numbers. We stopped for barbeque at Ned and Buzz's and heard that there was a little earthquake. When we got home we discovered plaster down in the living room and our beautiful Infant of Prague statue was smashed. It's been blessed so I'll either bury it myself or give it to Father Eagle and ask him to dispose of it.

Saints Agatha, Francis, Emidius, Amatus and Gregory patron saints of protection against earthquakes thank your intervention. We all have something to talk about and remember for the rest of our lives but no real harm to life and limb was done. Thank you!