
Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas Shopping ideas

Here are some of my favorite Catholic shopping sites.

Catholic Embroidery

The Brown Scapular site

Monastery Greetings

Holy Orders  My favorite gift site.

Tan books

All Saints Convent.  You may have read about the Maryland All Saints nuns who left the Episcopalians and became Catholic. This was a heroic move. Let's not just say "Oh that's nice," and forget about them. They support themselves by making greeting cards and they have a neat calendar. The sisters do not take credit cards and they obviously don't have Pay Pal. They are cash or check only at the moment.  They also enjoy visitors.

The Benedictines of Mary

The Paulines I don't care for everything that the Paulines sell in their stores but for many Catholics they are the only source of Catholic books and gifts in their area and I have bought most of our Navarre Bible volumes from them.

Pro Multis Media They carry Halo Works veils among other delightful things.

Buckfast Abbey