
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thanks for the inspiraton Fr.

Years ago, Rocky and I were visiting the Lourdes Shrine in Emmitsburg and were walking quickly and saying our rosary with blinding speed because it was hellaciously cold. Then, we saw a Dominican priest. He was walking slowly and had the most beautiful calm look on his face. He nodded at at us, smiled and disappeared into the bushes like a ghost. Since we were on the path he was going to walk in the rough. He was also barefoot. Rocky and I stopped, and stared. You wouldn't think black and white would be good camouflage but Fr. was completely lost from our view within seconds. "Did you see his feet?" Rocky asked. "Yeah." Suddenly neither one of us was all that cold anymore. We slowed down and really took our time praying. God bless that priest wherever he is and God bless this Franciscan whose photo I found on the St. Blogustine blog.