
Saturday, April 28, 2012

feverish thoughts

 I came down with an upper respiratory infection and have been sick for days.  I won't be going to the nursing home to visit my uncle this Sunday which worries me but I can't risk bringing my germy self in contact with people who are already fragile.

 I felt like reading a bit today and I saw this on the Anchoress blog. I really would not describe the fuss over the recent correction of the Leadership Conference of Religious Women (LCRW) as operatic. The LCRW has been pretty much a low farce for some time. When I was in high school I walked into a music class one Monday morning and discovered that the middle aged lady at the desk was a nun. She didn't wear a habit and shopped at the same clothing stores as my mother and she wore pearls. She also had the bad perm/man hair cut that has become ubiquitous of the habitless nuns. Sr. J. was wonderfully insane and got some pretty good music out of us but nothing, NOTHING in her made me respect her as a Bride of Christ. She was ill tempered and the best way to describe her is to tell you to read the Harry Potter books that had Dolores Umbridge in them. That was Sr. J. I was still having thoughts about going to the convent one day but I knew I'd never, ever look at Sister J's order.  Interestingly enough, when I graduated the one girl who did try her vocation  didn't bother with her order but went to the fairly conservative Daughters of Charity.