
Thursday, May 24, 2012

random thoughts

  • It blows my mind that that the archdiocese of New York only produced one priest this year. I've read various explanations for this but it's still shocking. God bless Fr. Patric D'Arcy and send the Church more like him. Cardinal Dolan has a LOT of work to do.

  • Speaking of Cardinal Dolan, why do photographers always wait until his mouth is wide open before they take the photo?

  • I have no use for Patheos but posts like this are why I keep reading Katrina Fernandez.

  • If the SSPX decides to accept the Vatican's terms I wonder if the same bloggers who went into estacy over the Anglicans will muster up even a lukewarm welcome?

  • It's awesome that 43 Catholic institutions are suing over the contraception mandate but this is only a start.

  • I recently read a post from a blogger I won't name who bemoaned the frumpiness of Catholic women. I say nuts to that. I have a friend who has 8 kids. She has had at least two babies in her house concurently for her entire marriage. Who in their right mind expects her to go faffing about in Dior? She's produced 8 nice little Catholics, two are altar boys, one is an Eagle Scout and she teaches CCD at her parish. On top of that she's the first one to volunteer when her priest needs something.  She doesn't own any Jimmy Choos but so what? If your life is like my friend's go ahead and wear your Keds and sensible denim jumper if that is what suits you.

    When I was in high school if I wasn't wearing my uniform I lived in Gunne Sax and Jessica McClintock. I looked like a cross between Sara Crewe from A Little Princess and Meryl Streep in The French Leutienent's Woman. Since it was the '80s and everyone else was trying to be Madonna my look was not popular. In fact, I caught flack for it. I didn't care. As long as your attire is not sinfully immodest wear what floats your own boat.  Ignore the mean girls.