
Saturday, September 01, 2012

random thoughts

  • Romanitas Press has a few serious points about processions of the Blessed Sacrament. Pity the poor priest who has to explain to the outraged mamas why their little Honey Pie can't  be a flower girl though.
  • I was walking to work and stopped to look at the newspaper boxes for Washington Post, Washington Examiner and the New York Times. All of them  had stories about Hurricaine Isaac on the front covers. If one didn't know better one would think the hurricaine was threatening DC and New York rather than being a fairly frequent weather phenomenon on the Gulf Coast.  I think a lot of news celebrities were privately dissapointed that Isaac wasn't another Katrina.
  • The truth is the truth even when we don't want to hear it.
  • Someone at work (hardcore Democrat),was carrying on about the Republican convention. I was polite but I couldn't wait to get away from him.  He's a normaly a nice man but this whole election cycle has brought out a nasty streak that I hadn't realized existed before.

  • I was reading something defending gay priests as long as they are celibate and I sighed. A gay priest who is not sleeping with anyone can still be a problem. If he's noticeably effeminate he's probably repulsing the men and boys in the parish and if the priesthood is percieved to be a soft, warm, wet, sluglike thing then most boys are not going to want to answer the call.

  • I've come across a number of articles written by women sternly telling men to man up. All I can say to that is it's too late. After 40 some odd years of feminism attacking men for being men we can't demand that they suddenly stop behaving like geldings and cads. Having allowed the feminists to make our bed it's too late to whine now. The smart girls are going to find their manly man and marry him. The not so smart girls.... are going to sit around in the club on Saturday night and complain about men.

  • Last night I stood and looked up at the blue moon, thought of Neil Armstrong and hummed the song.