
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Two March for Life moments and one foul man

Yesterday as I was on my way to work, two young women were talking rudely about the March for Life and about babies. No one smiled, no-one made eye contact. The train seemed to be more quiet than usual. I got off before my stop because I just didn't want to be near them anymore.  Later that day I met two beautiful young ladies who asked me which way Madison Street was because they were lost and trying to get to the March. I gave them directions and prayed for them.  It's funny but they were about the same age as the women on the train but they looked so different. Their faces were younger, happier, hopeful. 

At work I read about the comments of "Sir" David Attenborough. He thinks humans are a plague on the earth and that the West should stop helping Ethiopians whenever a drought occurs. Since I live in Northern Virginia and work in DC I meet people from around the world. Most of my neighbors are Ethiopian. I happen to think there is nothing cuter on the planet than a fat, smiling Ethiopian baby and I'd rather hear one Ethiopian baby giggle than a hundred David Attenboroughs saying anything. I'd rather wave goodbye to the last Panda  and Snail Darter than consign one human infant to death. Perhaps his comments would've sounded better in the original German or whatever language the Devil speaks when he's in Hell but the bottom line is that ole Dave doesn't think his precious children are a plague nor is he volunteering himself for suicide. No, he wants the brown and black kids dead. What a foul man. I'll never watch one of his shows again.
 Our Lady of Africa, pray for us.

Our Lady of Africa