
Saturday, March 01, 2014

random thoughts

  • Rocky and I went to Mass last Thursday and I noticed that Father was in purple. I checked the missal and saw that it was Septuagesima. This season was abolished in the Novus Ordo calendar. I was vaguely aware of this season and thought it was Latin for what we call Ordinary Time. Turns out it's a bit more than that. 
  • If I had the money I'd buy this collection, catalog it and give it to a good Catholic school.
  • An older lady, whom I have never liked but respected for the sake of her age and her obvious learnedness made a vauge statement about Pope Francis that I just didn't get. I asked her what she was saying and she told me again but with frankness this time. She has become a sedevacantist. I was stunned. This lady was Catholic before I was even born. She explained that she's looked at the Church and her only choices are despair or to believe that we don't have a pope at all. There was nothing I could say to her to change her mind and so I withdrew.

  • I was listening to the new Benedictines of Epheus Lent CD and fell love with one song: God of Mercy and Companssion. This is not them but it's the best version I was able to find. 

  • Why can't Catholics treat their brothers and sisters with the same level of kindness that they show to people who completely deny the Faith?