
Wednesday, June 04, 2014

The super quiet Mass

For as long as I can remember all the low Tridentine masses I've been to were dialogue. A few months ago a priest told us during his homily to tone it down because he'd had complaints from other parishioners that in general the congregation's Latin was so bad that  hearing it bellowed throughout the church is like nails on a chalkboard for them.

Oops! Oh my!

Judging by the body language in the pews this miffed a few folks who thought their Latin pronunciation was just ace. I decided to meditate on docility and hoped the priest wasn't talking about me.  So now when this particular good and really holy priest is offering the Mass I'm content to be silent except for the Domine non sun dingus and when he turns to us with a "Dominus vobiscum". Happily, I've come to love the silent low Mass just as much as the dialogue version. Both are  permitted by the Church. Fr. Peter Carota prefers the silent and explains why in this post.