
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Random thoughts....the sedevaticantists again

  • I came across another sedevaticantist last month. I see the appeal of this concept--that DOES NOT mean that I approve but think I see where it comes from--- but it's a cop-out. Some people can't bear what's going on in the Church today so they back away completely and say that we don't have a pope at all.  It's like looking out your window and seeing there is an intruder at the door. Some of us see him and reach for the phone to call the cops, go hide in the safest room in the house and load our gun. The sedevaticantist says, "No, no, no this can't be. I live in a nice neighborhood. There is no-one at the door." If anyone is tempted towards this line of thinking I implore you not to. We have a lousy situation in our Church but we can't freak out and fall into fantasy, no matter how comforting it might be.

  • Homosexuals are only 1, maybe 2% of the population but their wishes dominate our society. We've been completely manipulated and threatened with social ruin if we don't go along. We are being herded like sheep into a pen. Who is running this particular social machine, really and what is their purpose anything other than control?

  • My uncle's doctors removed his tracheotomy tube. He's now sitting up and trying to talk. Thank God!

  •  Pat Archbold of the Creative Minority Blog finally got fired from National Catholic Register.  He is a family man and probably needed the money so this is sad but hopefully he'll find a way to make up the financial loss. Frankly, his writings were the only reason I even bothered with NCR and I don't think I'm the only one.

  • Ever single year we go through the same crap during Holy Week : someone puts on a blasphemous movie or hour long special and we get the sly, "Hey Judas was misunderstood", swill. You'd think these people would get tired of it but I guess their master spurs them on.