
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Is your entertainment your god?

A Protestant (?) blogger asked the question of whether it's time for Christians to stop watching Game of Thrones. On his blog the responses have been mild or attempted to change the subject. The comments on sites where his post has been discussed  have been spicier, along the lines of "It's just fiction. It's great writing. What's the matter with you, are you some kind of art hating Philistine?"   

I'm reminded of a good priest last year who gave a lecture on The Lord of the Rings and said there are some problems with it. Grown people had fits and let's not forget the whole Harry Potter thing. If a Catholic layperson, priest or even, then Cardinal Ratzinger said anything against the J. K. Rowling books people got insulting and switched parishes, or stated that the critic just didn't know what they were talking about.  The editors of Lifesite News wrote back in 2007, that the most vicious and angry e-mail they receive comes from homosexual activists, abortion people and Harry Potter fans. Wow, that's pathetic. Mess with their entertainment and even self identified devout Catholics get huffy. I can't understand how people can get so worked up over a mere amusement. Obviously, a lot of us have turned our favorite TV show, or books into our gods.