
Friday, October 30, 2015

Pray for priests, and pray for the celebrity priest in particular

I love and revere the holy priesthood. As part of my Lay Association of the Priesthood membership I have adopted one particular priest and will pray for him for the rest of my life.  As long as my parish priest acts like a priest ought to, I will obey him in all docility and will endeavor to assist him in any way possible to my state of life. I will treat him the same way that I would treat Fr. Solanus Casey or Fr. Baker of Our Lady of Victory. I hate criticizing priests  but bad priests should not be ignored. That's what got us the sodimitical  scandals (Some foolish people say we are "past that" but no, the damage done to individual souls and to the Church's reputation is so great that we will never be past that in our life times) as well all  the great heresies through out history.

Celebrity priests are in a very dangerous position. When they fail in decorum they are like the man who goes to a swimming pool and urinates in the water---in full view of everyone from the diving board. Like Thomas Merton, they are either too famous for their timid superiors to coral them or as in the case of the Jesuits they may have superiors who seem to really like it when they forget their dignity and appear to scorn the pious. These men break hearts, they cause people to lose the Faith and they severely damage themselves.

Fr. Solanus, pray for us.
St. Jean Vianney, pray for us.
St. Pio, pray for us.
Blessed Francis Seelos, pray for us.
St.Andre Bessette, pray for us. *Not a priest but a lay brother
St. John Neuman, pray for us.
Fr. Zenon Kavolyk, martyred by crucifixion in 1941, pray for us.