
Sunday, November 15, 2015

No-one knows the hour or the day---go to Confession

Many of the people killed in the recent Paris terrorist attacks were attendees of the performance of an American based band called Eagles of Death Metal. Although the death metal genre glorifies rape, necrophilia, suicide, murder and the Devil the band has long maintained that the name is just a joke. Is that true? Who knows but they were allegedly singing a song about the devil when real death showed up.

None of us knows the hour or the day when it is time to die but it will come, whether you are in a nursing home, an emergency room, a battlefield, eating in a restaurant or in the full flower of your youth and minding your own business while you and your buddies attend a concert. Go to Confession, now, while you have the time.

Eternal rest grant unto them Oh Lord, let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.
