
Monday, February 15, 2016

random thoughts for a three day weekend

  • When I read about the death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia I let out a yelp and an "Oh no!" It wasn't for the country. I think the USA is past any man made help now but for his family and for Fr. Scalia, whom we once nicked named Fr. Aragorn when he was at our parish.
  • I try to say the Penitential Psalms during Lent. The best site I've found with all the psalms together is Medievalist.
  • You know those cute little rice bowls parishes put out at Lent time? You might want to skip filling it up with money this year. Restore DC Catholicism and the Lepanto Institute have disturbing news about Catholic Relief Services, the outfit that fund raises with the rice bowls.
  • Somebody at Mt. St. Mary's aka "The Mount" messed up big time. Their new president sounds like a martinet who really doesn't belong at a liberal arts school much less a Catholic one. He's also reportedly not Catholic so of course he's going to bring some hostility or at least ignorance of the Faith to the job.  He's right (probably an accident) about one thing: there are too many kids wasting their time and getting deeper and deeper in debt at colleges they have no aptitude for. Why let a kid who can barely write a coherent sentence waste two,three or five years in a university before he gets discouraged and quits? It's no big deal to the school; they've already gotten paid and the poor kid is crushed. Newman is completely wrong about the timing. The SAT, not a questionnaire taken once you get to college (and the school has already gotten your money) is supposed to tell if a student is academically able to keep of with college level work.  That all being said, if it's true that he has insulted the crucifix he needs to be fired. As for the Catholic jihadi crack, he might want to remember that the real jihadis are winning just about everywhere they have gone.

    Finally, a man who looks at the students and says take a Glock to their little cuddly bunny heads is not someone I would want in charge of my son or daughter's education. I think most university presidents look at the students and see numbers, not flesh and souls but they have more discretion that this guy. Newman also clearly knows nothing about guns or animal husbandry. A Glock is over kill and a waste. I bet he's never actually seen one.  Most people use a 22 or like my grandmother, save their ammo for other things and simply break the animal's neck.

  • Are the Missionaries of Mercy just going to show up in parishes, shove the pastor out of the way and absolve everybody en masse? How long are they staying? Are they going to shadow the pastor for week, a month? Somehow I don't think this is going to work out like a Lenten Mission.  Are they going to be a guest in the rectory or an inquisitor? If they aren't staying in the rectory do you have to find out where a Missionary of Mercy is going to be (a hotel banquet room, a private home, or a farmer's field?), and make an appointment to see him? What is the structure of the Missionaries? Who does one complain to other than the Holy Father, if one if the MoM Fathers behaves in less than proper priestly fashion?

  • I heard an interesting little factoid in a speech today. A priest/psychologist said that before Vatican II, there were fewer Catholics in mental institutions than any other religion. After Vatican II,  Catholics are going mad in a greater rate than  any denomination. I was astonished. Fr. also said that unless you have a physiological issue (for example, schizophrenia runs in your family) if you follow traditional Catholic moral teachings and imitate the saints you will be mentally healthy.