
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Random thoughts

  • If saying "Lord, I am not worthy...," offends you then you are probably on your way to Satanism.

  • Saint Maria Goretti has always been special to me because of her age and because she was a little country girl who had to work to help her family. My mother had her first paying job when she was nine. She was a companion for the wealthy old woman who feared the dark and whose son owned the land my grandfather farmed on. My mother would go over in the evenings, sit with the woman, entertain her with her chatter, make sure the stove was turned off, turn on the radio and see the old woman to bed. Then she'd lock up and walk a  few feet home.

    Although my mother was spared this, she knew of many young women who faced sexual pressure from their employers or the son of the employer. It took a brave girl to say no and to leave town for work if necessary.  Saint Maria refused her attacker but more importantly while she was dying and in indescribable agony she repeatedly said she forgave her him and wanted him to repent so that he could go to Heaven and not Hell. That's a saint. If the people on Patheos want to attack her that shows something low down and nasty about them.  Vox and Les Femmes both point out that Patheos and Alethia bloggers get paid by the click and will say foul, outrageous stuff in order to get you to click on their posts. I'm staying far away from the click baiters.

  • The phrase "cruelty free" is a  big advertising draw in the world of cosmetics but I am suspicious. Why? Because the cosmetics company needs to be sure that you won't be scarred for life or go blind by using their product. If they are not testing on bunnies or guinea pigs or rats then what are they using? I've read that the companies use cultured skin cells. Where did the skin cells come from? I fear much of it comes from the poor mangled bodies of aborted babies. After all what is more delicate and tender than a baby's skin? Cruelty free? Nope. I'll stick with Loreal and Revlon, thank you. Oh and by the way, so far research with aborted babies has not produced a single cure for any disease.