
Saturday, September 03, 2016

The Earth is Not A Person

The earth is an unique planet. God designed it as the one place where Man, the only creature made in His image was to live. The Earth is estimated to be over 10,000 °F at the core. Rising from the core the earth forms plates.  As you go higher from layer to layer it gets cooler and life becomes possible. Planet Earth is not your mother.  That title belongs to Eve by nature and Mary by grace. If you insist on anthropomorphism concerning our planet then you might do better to consider Mother Earth as a lovely but unstable step mother. Sometimes she's in a good mood and can be so sweet and sometimes she kills you.   You cannot sin against the Earth. It has no soul and and is not sentient. The fact that something is natural and of the Earth does not make it good or bad in itself. Arsenic and strychnine are both  perfectly natural. Both will in high enough doses kill you in particularly horrible ways. 

Once again, I need to remind myself that not every single utterance  from the The Holy Father's lips is infallible. When he is not  speaking ex cathedra  he is a man giving his welcome or unwelcome opinion just  like my  Uncle Clyde who insists that the secret to thinness and happiness is regular vinegar drinking and a big dose of mineral oil after dinner. Bless his heart, he usually does this when he thinks somebody in the family needs to lose weight  but we're used to it and love him so we let it pass.