
Monday, January 16, 2017

random thoughts on a three day weekend

  • If anyone had fantasies about moving to Malta I suggest you read the recent statement by the Maltese bishops. There is no Catholic wonderland, not Ireland, not Italy and not Malta.

  • Rocky and I went to a wedding yesterday. It was in the traditional latin form and the couple had a Misa Cantata. It was beautiful. The guests were wonderful. I didn't see one scantily clad woman and not one man made a vulgar speech or got drunk at the reception. The bride and bridesmaids all were modestly dressed and the bride's gown was gorgeous. She seemed to float like a fairy queen down the aisle. They had five priests at the wedding and incredible food for the luncheon. I think it's the best wedding we've been to in years.

  • In order to make it as a top model you have to strip naked and let strangers photograph you.  We know from reading the news and biographies that many models suffer from eating disorders and drug use. Kathy Ireland couldn't go along with this because of her Christianity and got out of the modeling game. She's done spectacularly well in the Christian and lifestyle and furniture  marketplaces, but she's the only one. Other models realize that they just can't do the things required in order to make it to supermodel status and don't try to go beyond steady catalog work.  Others use it as a means of meeting marriageable men they never would have run into back home. Like Ireland, the sensible ones get out as soon as they can.

    If a young singer wants to make it to the top in the pop and hip hop world you have to either embrace occultist behavior or just ape the symbols whenever you perform.  Talent has very little to do with who makes it. One of the most talented Soul singers around was a lady by the name of Sharon Jones. She died last year and most people have never heard of her because despite that big powerhouse voice she was short, plain, plump and was not about to make a fool of herself in public by performing lewd dance moves or wearing ridiculous for her age costumes on stage. If you would admire pop and hip hop artists for anything but their music remember that drug use, alcoholism and sex with everything that moves is normal for this industry.

    To be an A list actor one must do pornographic love scenes, go almost naked when attending public functions if you are young and female, and have sex with the people who cast you in movies. Tales of the casting couch have been a joke for 100 years in Hollywood but it's really not funny. Hollywood is so full of drugs, alcoholism, tacit approval of pedophilia on screen and it is rumored, massive practiced pedophilia in private that it's like a perpetually clogged sewer pipe. Why on earth do Americans with IQs in the normal range give a hoot about what any of these people think or say outside their own purview?

  • The Doloran Fathers had to leave Oklahoma but have found a new place in Colorado.

  • I saw this snippet of a talk  by Charles Coulombe  on Twitter this morning. He explains one powerful reason, other than the ever present sword, why Muslims are so persuasive in their conversion efforts.  
    Coulombe  sounds like a  bad John F. Kennedy imitator mixed with Foghorn Leghorn and has a strong not particularly funny comedic streak. Both these things can get a bit tiresome when he's giving long talks but if you can get past that, his talks on Catholic history are very interesting.