
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Random thoughts on a road trip

Does no-one in the Vatican realize how stuff like this looks?

  •  My husband, Rocky had an acquaintance who was rugged outdoors-man. He would on occasion chide his companions about their calories and point to his own athletic lifestyle. Well, one day to everyone's surprise he died and his fat friends stood around his coffin. I thought about him when I read opinions by  so called Vatican experts who claim that Pope Benedict is half dead and Pope Francis won't be around for much longer either. Yes, both men are old. Very old and frail in the case of Benedict who also seems to be surrounded by men who have him on a deathwatch but they both could very well outlive some of the younger people who are speculating about them. How many times have we seen grandparents weeping over a dead grandchild? Death does not go perfectly to one's plan unless it's murder.   Don't count chickens before they hatch and don't buy the funeral wreath before the death certificate is signed. 

  • A woman was moaning about how busy she was and when asked why she was so busy and why didn't she just drop some of her and her children's activities that were supposedly running her ragged she got angry and changed the subject. Some people love and need to play the martyr. It's more than food and drink to them.

  • Rocky and I went on a road trip to Pennsylvania this weekend for my birthday. We went to Mass at Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Ephrata. It's a Redemptorist parish so I expected Mass to be awful but it wasn't. The lady lector seemed to be in control rather than Father but  it was a by the book Mass. The people were not used to tourists but they were very nice. 

  • A few years ago it was fashionable to announce to the world what one intended to do for Lent. Enough people mocked the Uriah Heeps who did this and I haven't read anyone's Lent list this year or last year. Hooray.

  • When Pope Benedict asked us to pray for him that he would flee for fear of the wolves was he telling us something even then?