
Sunday, April 01, 2018

How was your Triduum?

Rocky and I discovered something new this year: naps. Taking one before Mass on Holy Thursday and before going to the Easter Vigil was a huge help. On Holy Thursday Rocky ushered at our parish. It went pretty well.

On Good Friday we went to the Franciscan Monastery for the Burial of Christ and saw two people from our parish. We saw Dominicans, Franciscans of course, Sister Servants of the Virgin, Missionaries of Charity and a couple of orders we couldn't identify as well as worshipers from all over the world. We went to a parish in DC  for the Easter Vigil because they have the earliest one on the area and we couldn't make it to St. Alphonsus in Baltimore.  I won't name the parish because they have a kind priest and really nice people. The Exultet and the Litany of the Saints  were done in a funky blues style. Yes. You did read that correctly. I've looked on Youtube and can't find anything remotely like what we heard.  Rocky looked stunned and gave me the fish eye a couple of times. The Communion Hymn was Nothing But the Blood of Jesus. The recessional hymn was Celebrate Jesus.