
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Random thoughts on a Sunday afternoon

  • All the priests and Catholic influencers who Tweeted condemnation of the kids from Covington High School should be ashamed.  I'm really disgusted. They were so eager to go with the crowd that they disengaged their brains.  Don't completely trust an initial media report. Good grief! My father told me that when I was eight! When Princess Diana died, my local news reported that she was okay and then 15 minutes later they said she was dead. A few weeks ago, we were told that a middle aged white man in a truck shot a little girl in Houston. It turned out to be young black man in a car.  In my town we read an initial report that there was an unattended death  (these are usually illness or accident related) in an apartment near me. A week later the report is that it was the first murder of the year for my town.  Not only are initial reports are almost always wrong but the smart person ALWAYS considers the source. 

  • That thought reminded me of something I wrote years ago only now I have include Twitter priests:

    Should Priests Blog Pt. II 

  • Fr. Pinot, French martyr

    I've said before that priest's really shouldn't blog (or Tweet several times a day about  worldly matters such as what food he's eating right now, politics, movies, gaming) unless it's strictly their homilies and catechetical or apologetic material or posts about parish events. I've seen blogs by priests that were downright scary. A priest is an alter Cristus. He should not seem like a pop star tossing PR tidbits to his fans or a guru communicating his wishes to his groupies. His blog should never  leave readers wondering about how his lifestyle is financed or speculating that Father has too much time on his hands or if what they just read was written by a real priest at all.

    Blessed Fr. Pinot, of France courageous example for priests and us all, pray for us.
    Mother Vogl, pray for us.
    St. Pio, pray for us.
    Blessed Fr. Pro, pray for us.
    Blessed Fr. Popieluzko, pray for us.
    Cardinal Mindzdenty, pray for us.
    St. Fr. Edmund Campion, pray for us.
    Priest martyrs of Nagasaki, pray for us.
    Priest martyrs of Gorkum, pray for us.