
Saturday, April 25, 2020

random thoughts on a Sunday afternoon

  • One thing about being in your 50s that is in turns both disconcerting and delightful is seeing the same fad or crisis again that you saw earlier in your life. Usually it's just clothing styles or music or a 21 year thinking his generation is the first to discover the existence of fornication.  Here's a post from the past....

    Remember how "experts" told us to calm down about Pope Francis because he doesn't care about liturgy? Well, the pope has ordered a review of the Mass translation we currently use. Some people are upset. I am not. Constant change in the Novus Ordo Mass is not a bug, it is a feature. Every few years there will be something new and damn the complainers. That's just the way it is. Now, what if the New, New, New Mass comes with rubrics that are so heretical that they might as well be Lutheran with a dash of voodoo and a side a Pentecostalism, will regular lay Catholics do? For the most part, nothing.The folks who grumble will be told to shut up and they will. Some people will stop going to Mass, either completely or will be C&E and Ash Wednesday Catholics. Others who can do so, will go to the Eastern rites parishes or go Orthodox. A few, very few will go to a Christ the King parish or to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter for as long as they exist. An even tinier number will head to the Anglican rite churches or to the SSPX mission chapel. 
    UPDATE: Now Francis is looking at the TLM. People are saying calm down. It's just a survey or they're saying calm down, the FSSP and ICKSP won't be affected it's only the diocesan TLMs that might be in danger--- as if the FSSP and ICKSP are so numerous that they are an option for most of us.

  • For work I've read many dr. discipline rulings & it's amazing how many med personnel are stealing from the pharmacy or drunk on duty. They do an important job. Some do it magnificently. Some do it badly. We pay them to do this job. They are not gods. The above Tweet was in response to a blasphemous photo that I will not post here taken by medical personnel to cheer themselves and us (?) up. Don't worship your doctor. Give no matter the adoration due to Our Savior alone.
  • Please read this post by Mary Ann at the Les Femmes blog. I will say this in a much less gentle or elegant way. The Gordon brothers have a book to flog and apparently two more have are being written or under contract. They need publicity. As for Michael Voris, well I've been seeing Church Militant e-mails just about every day asking me to sign up. I've blocked them. If you love the TLM then you should thank the SSPX and Archbishop Lefebrevre. Without them the FSSP and ICKSP would not exist and those of us to go to a diocesan allowed TLM would not have that either. Predators are everywhere and as Ann Barnhardt has pointed out last year they've even crept into traditional chapels which is why Catholics need to keep their eyes open for off behavior. There is no safe place. Fight like Hell to keep predators away and go to the police when you think they've gotten in.
  • Have you noticed that as far as the media is concerned Death seems to have taken a holiday? It's like the Grim Reapers is sitting on a lounge chair somewhere and left Corona in charge. Is anybody dying of cancer anymore? Is no-one tripping, falling and cracking their head open anymore? No fatal asthma, sudden infant death or epilepsy attacks? The only thing we hear about is Corona. The dead from all other conditions including despair induced suicide are no less dead nor are they less mourned.
  • I just made Paula Deen's Chicken and Rice casserole but there was no way I was making the sauce from scratch. I went with my usual Campbell's Cream of Mushroom. Rocky seems to really like it.