
Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Taylor Marshall Presidential Bid Is Ridiculous

I like Fr. Nix. He's a loyal friend to Taylor Marshall so although I think he's making a mistake, I get why he's defending Marshall's ridiculous bid to run for president.  Dr. Marshall is in for a nasty surprise. He's a big fish in a small pond but he's going to get chewed up and spat out in the secular political media milieu.  Marshall is used to either fawning attention or hysterical attacks from people who can't articulate why they don't like him. He's never been patted on the head and gotten the patronizing treatment some give to their eccentric but harmless relatives.  He's also never faced an absolutely vicious attack by political operatives who have the ability to dig into his distant past, his finances, harass his family or search for bitter ex-girlfriends. 

Anne Barnhardt had several things to say about his decision and I have to agree. This is a publicity stunt. He will get a book out of it but I think he's also going to lose fans. Have you noticed that other than The Pillar most of Catholic media land has been silent about Marshall's announcement?  They aren't mocking him but they aren't cheering him on either. That silence means that even his buddies know that this is not a serious campaign.