Saturday, June 27, 2020
random thoughts on a Saturday afternoon.
- The DC diocese will reopen this weekend. Parishioners may not use the restroom before or during Mass and you have to leave right after. Most adults should be able to hold themselves for an hour but what about those who have various medical issues? Men of a certain age tend to urinate a lot more than they did in their youth. A few weeks ago we read that if people really need to go they can ask the ushers and then a team will assemble to sanitize the restroom after they leave. That has apparently been dropped. I suspect many people responded that they didn't want to humiliate themselves by having to beg for a restroom and didn't want to open the restroom door to find a grim group at the door waiting for Typhoid Mary to leave.
- Things aren't looking too good for our country. The mystic Therese Neuman predicted that America would not be conquered from the outside but would fall from the inside. It doesn't matter that the majority just want to get back to normal and that this current unpleasantness will pass. It only takes a devoted or fanatical ten percent to move a nation. The rest of us will just go along with it. As for the bad times passing I will point out that Communism lasted for 70 plus years in Russia. Everyone who said "This will pass," in 1917 died waiting. It hasn't passed in Cuba and it hasn't passed in China.
- Monsignor Rossi is not going anywhere. I won't be donating to the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception anymore.
- After being my Uncle Sonny Boy's guardian until his death my opinion of nursing home staff is very low. After watching videos of nurses and doctors wriggling and gyrating my trust level is shot. Atrocities like this one keep happening and I don't think we will see anybody going to prison.
- A friend from work told me a horrible story. She was in a departmental Zoom meeting when her manager steered the conversation away from work to talking about the riots and BLM. Each person in the meeting was "encouraged" to "speak out". My friend was upset and being put on the spot. This was akin to your manager demanding to know how you vote or what your religion is.
- I think the country never should have locked down. It was not worth the damage to our economy or to the nation's mental health. People have lost their jobs. If you're over 50, you are going to have a hard time getting a new job that was as good as what you had. Some folks probably aren't going to work full time in their fields ever again. People have committed suicide. Depression and madness has skyrocketed. Ten years from now people are still going to struggling from the mental fall out.
- My Jesus, mercy!
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
If you've ever mocked a friend or relative who was afraid to go to the hospital during the lock down it's past time to apologize
"It turned out that I was having a coronary, thus the breathlessness. I had to sit in the emergency room until they tested me for the Wuflu. Two hours later they came back and said I was negative, which I already knew. I sat there for 24 hours until they found me a room."
I just read a comment on Non Veni Pacem from a woman who had a horrifying experience in the ER and I don't blame anybody who is scared to go to a hospital in these terrible days. You will be alone with no family member to fight for you. The staff will immediately focus on Corona and it will be hours before your actual needs are addressed unless you present in the ER with blood loss or have an ambulance crew to vouch for you. How many people have died over this? We will never know.
Friday, June 12, 2020
I have not forgotten
Ann Barnhardt calls out the Trad Inc. folks who went crazy back in March calling anybody who wanted to go to Mass a granny killer*, stupid or pious show-offs and now have the nerve like they never thought Corona was a big deal. Miss Barnhardt names no names but I'm thinking about two specific people who got very nasty to anyone who didn't think the Corona virus was akin to the plague. One of them was snappish as a rabid animal at the very idea of people wanting to go outside and even more furious that they dared to express a longing to return to church. This individual was so over the top with hysteria I was almost alarmed.
*Turns out the grandparent killers were the governors who forced Corona patients into nursing homes
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Still not ready to jump on the Pell bandwagon
Back in 2017 and in 2019, I wrote about Cardinal Pell, the accusations against him and obliquely, one of his defenders. I believe he was innocent of what he was wrongly convicted of but it does not follow that he's a saint or a traditionalist or that he acted appropriately when the stories of child sexual abuse in his diocese reached his desk. We also have to realize that there has been talk about Cardinal Pell for years. It may be all filthy Freemasonic lies, and Australia may be a horrible place, but please don't act like this has all just popped up overnight. There are men and families who were and remain broken-hearted. Boys were used for sex. People lost their Faith. It went on for decades. Cardinal Pell says he knew nothing about it. I'm glad hes's out of prison but please, don't be ridiculous by comparing him to Cardinal Mindszenty, Fr. Ciszek or the Apostle Paul in prison.
Oh Mary, Seat of Wisdom, pray for us. Arise Oh Lord, and let Thy enemies be scattered. Let them that hate Thee, flee before Thy holy face.
Tuesday, June 09, 2020
a word from St. Jean Vianney
Yes, my friends, as the life, so the death. Do not hope for a miracle, which God vouchsafes but seldom. If you live in sin, you will die in sin. Many examples prove to us that after an evil life, we cannot expect a happy death.
Vianney, St. Jean Marie. Sermons of the Curé of Ars
Saturday, June 06, 2020
Is Pope Francis really Catholic?
This is a repost of a question I asked a little while ago. Every time Francis speaks I wonder...
Is Pope Francis really Catholic or is he just a cultural and career-wise Catholic? I'm not trying to be funny and I'm not being sarcastic. Argentina has a lot of witchcraft and I don't mean silly college girls playing with love spells and candles. I mean the real stuff; the pre-Columbian paganism and folkways mixed with frank Satanism. This is not unique to Argentina or Latin America. Here in America there are people don't have a problem going to a root doctor (a witch) and still going to church. Someone will point out that Francis is Italian. Well yes, his parents came from Italy but they raised him in Argentina. The thought about how Francis was raised and what he marinated in as a young man came to me a few years ago when I was watching a nature program of all things. The host was in the country-side in Argentina and saw a crossroads shrine to a bandit-"saint", The host noted that the villagers were Catholic but also were at ease with something close to voodoo or santeria. I wondered if this doesn't explain part of what is wrong with Francis.
Remember when he joked that he doesn't go to the doctor instead he goes to the witch? Ever wonder why he's so anti-normal Catholicism and saving souls but seems to love pagans and primitivism? This all came back to me when I read about the pope's latest joke. My father-in-law used to say that when he was deployed to Turkey he found Istanbul to be quite sophisticated and modern but when he went out to the rest of the country and saw the villages it was like going back centuries. Maybe outside of Buenos Aires it's like that too, to an extent and perhaps, Francis consciously or not, embraces the old folk ways and the "simple" people as part of his cultural heritage.
Is Pope Francis really Catholic or is he just a cultural and career-wise Catholic? I'm not trying to be funny and I'm not being sarcastic. Argentina has a lot of witchcraft and I don't mean silly college girls playing with love spells and candles. I mean the real stuff; the pre-Columbian paganism and folkways mixed with frank Satanism. This is not unique to Argentina or Latin America. Here in America there are people don't have a problem going to a root doctor (a witch) and still going to church. Someone will point out that Francis is Italian. Well yes, his parents came from Italy but they raised him in Argentina. The thought about how Francis was raised and what he marinated in as a young man came to me a few years ago when I was watching a nature program of all things. The host was in the country-side in Argentina and saw a crossroads shrine to a bandit-"saint", The host noted that the villagers were Catholic but also were at ease with something close to voodoo or santeria. I wondered if this doesn't explain part of what is wrong with Francis.
Remember when he joked that he doesn't go to the doctor instead he goes to the witch? Ever wonder why he's so anti-normal Catholicism and saving souls but seems to love pagans and primitivism? This all came back to me when I read about the pope's latest joke. My father-in-law used to say that when he was deployed to Turkey he found Istanbul to be quite sophisticated and modern but when he went out to the rest of the country and saw the villages it was like going back centuries. Maybe outside of Buenos Aires it's like that too, to an extent and perhaps, Francis consciously or not, embraces the old folk ways and the "simple" people as part of his cultural heritage.
Friday, June 05, 2020
Well, they got Tim Gordon.
Tim Gordon, the older Gordon brother lost his teaching job at a Catholic high school for Tweeting about BLM. I don't like the man. I think I've made that clear in the past. I like his younger brother even less but Gordon has 6 children and his eldest child has serious medical issues. I'm sorry for their sake.
If a person is acting a fool on company time then okay, fire them. If a person is off work and represents on camera or in print that what he says is the formal or informal policy of his employer, or is approved of by his or her supervisor and that representation is not true, then okay, fire him. However, if you are not on company time while acting a fool, and by that I mean just mouthing off, not committing a crime--- or, making a statement in print or on camera and not mentioning your employer at all, then getting fired is unjust.
The only exception I can think of is when an employee signs a behavior agreement with the employer saying that the employee will not do anything that could cause the company embarrassment or harassment.
An already hostile boss may get wind of what an employee said or wrote and may look for ways to get rid of them but unless the employee has been gold bricking, still in the 90 day probation period or called into HR one too many times, the boss won't have any legal ammunition for that and the whole thing could lead to a fat lawsuit, even in a Right to Work state. More likely if a boss was really offended by an employee's statement things at work could get hostile enough to make the employee quit.
I think this is a pretty good example of why we don't need married priests. How many married men hold their tongue or sensibly decline to make that Facebook post because they knew that if they got fired the rent wasn't going to pay itself and the kids have to eat? A priest needs to be ready to move to a new assignment with the speed of the Apostles if need be, remain detached from the world and teach the Faith no matter what. A married priest can't do that and might end up running away from his duties to the Lord's lambs in order to take care of his own.
Now back to Timothy Gordon. If you ever read his Tweets, his books or watch his videos then you know the Gordon boys love a fight and believe in never backing down to opponents. I'll bet he had enemies in the teacher's lounge and among the tuition paying parents that he didn't even know about. Apparently about 100 students, parents and alumni signed an online petition objecting to him. Gordon will probably find out what really went into the firing decision after talking to sympathetic former co-workers. Possibly this has been brewing for some time and he finally gave his enemies the ammo they needed to strike. It's also possible that threats were made against the school and/or faculty and the school head(s) panicked. Huge corporations are rushing to pledge allegiance to BLM. If he expected his high school to stand behind him, it was a blunder.
To paraphrase something my late father-in-law used to say, Gordon's alligator mouth wrote a check that his Tweety bird home front had to cash. A lot of people are delighted to watch. I am nervous about bigger issue: if Gordon can be fired for what he wrote off company time then the same thing could happen to anybody. Gordon is still holding a good set of cards. He's young and has a law degree. Unless his state Bar moves against him he could go back to practicing his profession. A Go Fund Me account has been set up for him. His attacks on the SSPX will get him speaking engagements and sell books. Timothy Gordon will be okay. Jane or Joe Regular Person doesn't have all that to fall back on.
If a person is acting a fool on company time then okay, fire them. If a person is off work and represents on camera or in print that what he says is the formal or informal policy of his employer, or is approved of by his or her supervisor and that representation is not true, then okay, fire him. However, if you are not on company time while acting a fool, and by that I mean just mouthing off, not committing a crime--- or, making a statement in print or on camera and not mentioning your employer at all, then getting fired is unjust.
The only exception I can think of is when an employee signs a behavior agreement with the employer saying that the employee will not do anything that could cause the company embarrassment or harassment.
An already hostile boss may get wind of what an employee said or wrote and may look for ways to get rid of them but unless the employee has been gold bricking, still in the 90 day probation period or called into HR one too many times, the boss won't have any legal ammunition for that and the whole thing could lead to a fat lawsuit, even in a Right to Work state. More likely if a boss was really offended by an employee's statement things at work could get hostile enough to make the employee quit.
I think this is a pretty good example of why we don't need married priests. How many married men hold their tongue or sensibly decline to make that Facebook post because they knew that if they got fired the rent wasn't going to pay itself and the kids have to eat? A priest needs to be ready to move to a new assignment with the speed of the Apostles if need be, remain detached from the world and teach the Faith no matter what. A married priest can't do that and might end up running away from his duties to the Lord's lambs in order to take care of his own.
Now back to Timothy Gordon. If you ever read his Tweets, his books or watch his videos then you know the Gordon boys love a fight and believe in never backing down to opponents. I'll bet he had enemies in the teacher's lounge and among the tuition paying parents that he didn't even know about. Apparently about 100 students, parents and alumni signed an online petition objecting to him. Gordon will probably find out what really went into the firing decision after talking to sympathetic former co-workers. Possibly this has been brewing for some time and he finally gave his enemies the ammo they needed to strike. It's also possible that threats were made against the school and/or faculty and the school head(s) panicked. Huge corporations are rushing to pledge allegiance to BLM. If he expected his high school to stand behind him, it was a blunder.
To paraphrase something my late father-in-law used to say, Gordon's alligator mouth wrote a check that his Tweety bird home front had to cash. A lot of people are delighted to watch. I am nervous about bigger issue: if Gordon can be fired for what he wrote off company time then the same thing could happen to anybody. Gordon is still holding a good set of cards. He's young and has a law degree. Unless his state Bar moves against him he could go back to practicing his profession. A Go Fund Me account has been set up for him. His attacks on the SSPX will get him speaking engagements and sell books. Timothy Gordon will be okay. Jane or Joe Regular Person doesn't have all that to fall back on.
Wednesday, June 03, 2020
Wait, What? Fr. McGivney died of Corona back in 1890?
Dear Lord. These people never stop with the hype. Now they're claiming Fr. Michael McGivney died of Corona in 1890. Up until a few days ago all biographies of Fr. McGivney said he died of pneumonia.
Yes, a cold can turn to pneumonia and yes there was a great deal of sickness in his town in 1890. He may have caught his infection from tending to parishioners but there are more than one way to acquire it. Why try to make Venerable Fr. McGiveney cool by pinning Coronavirus on him? The Mormons try to baptize the dead to bring them into the Mormon cult. By using such a cheap tactic the promoters of Father's canonization cause look just like the Later Day "saints". I know the Knights want him to be canonized but by dropping the Corona catch phrase to jazz up his cause is insulting to him and to the already degraded canonization process.
Yes, a cold can turn to pneumonia and yes there was a great deal of sickness in his town in 1890. He may have caught his infection from tending to parishioners but there are more than one way to acquire it. Why try to make Venerable Fr. McGiveney cool by pinning Coronavirus on him? The Mormons try to baptize the dead to bring them into the Mormon cult. By using such a cheap tactic the promoters of Father's canonization cause look just like the Later Day "saints". I know the Knights want him to be canonized but by dropping the Corona catch phrase to jazz up his cause is insulting to him and to the already degraded canonization process.
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Fr. McGiveney, pray for us |
Monday, June 01, 2020
A painful moment
I was listening to a bush craft skills video yesterday in which an old Baptist in his canoe spoke about how his faith in Jesus is the key to his not living in fear in the face of Corona. I felt ashamed because I have not heard a single American bishop speak as boldly as that old man.
Nightmare in the nursing homes
You may have seen the sickening video of a young man attacking residents of a Michigan nursing home. I won't post it here because it upset me too much. He's been arrested but the most shocking thing about this story is that he's reportedly mentally ill. (he looks more like he has fetal alcohol syndrome to me), and has was diagnosed as being infected with Corona virus. Why, why, why is a mentally ill young person in a nursing home? Why was an extremely violent young man allowed to roam unimpeded in a nursing home?
Some people had said that Democrats seeded nursing homes with Corona because elders vote Republican. That doesn't make sense. I've stood in line to vote and saw residents from a near by nursing home being brought in on walkers, canes, and wheelchairs. To my astonishment I saw a poor old man who's eyes were glassy and his mouth was slightly agape. If I'd asked him what he had for breakfast that morning I do not believe that he could have answered me. I watched the nurse wheel him up to the voting both and pull the curtain. I'm convinced the nurse did his voting for him.
Nobody who is in the last stages of dementia, or bedridden or dying is voting and old Democrats vote Democrat to the day they die anyway. So what really happened? Were the elderly deliberately targeted to boost the death numbers? Who profited by every death? There must be a financial incentive. Pray for your family members in the nursing home. The Health Secretary of Pennsylvania pulled his mother from nursing home and took her to safety. If you go your loved one's nursing home and demand they give your daddy right now, you'll probably be arrested. Since you can't even visit and notice things your family members are totally without any defense and are at the "mercy" of forces you can't constrain, or in some states, even sue one day.
Some people had said that Democrats seeded nursing homes with Corona because elders vote Republican. That doesn't make sense. I've stood in line to vote and saw residents from a near by nursing home being brought in on walkers, canes, and wheelchairs. To my astonishment I saw a poor old man who's eyes were glassy and his mouth was slightly agape. If I'd asked him what he had for breakfast that morning I do not believe that he could have answered me. I watched the nurse wheel him up to the voting both and pull the curtain. I'm convinced the nurse did his voting for him.
Nobody who is in the last stages of dementia, or bedridden or dying is voting and old Democrats vote Democrat to the day they die anyway. So what really happened? Were the elderly deliberately targeted to boost the death numbers? Who profited by every death? There must be a financial incentive. Pray for your family members in the nursing home. The Health Secretary of Pennsylvania pulled his mother from nursing home and took her to safety. If you go your loved one's nursing home and demand they give your daddy right now, you'll probably be arrested. Since you can't even visit and notice things your family members are totally without any defense and are at the "mercy" of forces you can't constrain, or in some states, even sue one day.
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