A particularly vicious demon has been let loose and when you dance with demons there is no way you can come away from the experience without being burned at the least or utterly consumed. Speaking of demons, there's a scene in the movie, Evil Dead (don't bother to look it up--it's terrible, bad acting, bad theology, piss poor story telling and unnecessarily graphic and I couldn't stomach it after 20 minutes) where one of the hapless soon-to-be victims says to the hero, " I don't know if you noticed this, but ... Nothing's fine. Everything's been getting worse...every second." That pretty much sums up the political and morally rotten state of this poor country. God have mercy. We do not deserve it, not one bit but dear God send us priests, send us saints, we need conversion, penance and fervor so very desperately.
Oh St. Peter Claver, pray for us.