Sunday, October 31, 2010
St. Paul's Richmond, VA
The Vatican says...

Thursday, October 28, 2010
there is a war on, you know
In famously nice Minnesota a Democrat ran a frankly anti-Catholic ad. In San Francisco the city council has condemned Catholicism. In England an ice cream ad features models dressed up as priests in sexually suggestive poses. In Washington DC, an actor dressed up as a priest will mock Catholics on the National Mall while giving a "benediction" at the Jon Stewart (he's a comdian) rally. The malignant enemy is working with an ancient playbook but it's devastatingly effective : Strike down the officers and the army is thrown into confusion. Pray for our priests.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Dr. Kinsey-- warning, it's upsetting
And what about Kinsey's child sexuality research? What happened to those kids? Kinsey claimed that children are willing, enthusiastic sexual actors from birth. How many kids were molested to get his research? And it had to be molestation. Three year olds and infants did not get in their cars and volunteer to be "observed" by Kinsey's helpers.
It dawned on me that day in class, that my professor was an old windbag who was wasting my money. I came to class to learn about literature not be indoctrinated into the freak show. It chilled me then and it chills me now to think that most of we learned in sex-ed class probably came from a mind that apparently was familiar with the darkest pits of hell. The Kinsey Institue, like Planned Parenthood gets a lot of money from you and me in the form of our tax money.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Rocky's favorite veil

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Revere the Lord
I thought about that story while watching adults treat a local church like a movie theater last Sunday. When Saint Peter saw Our Lord on the beach after His resurrection he (St. Peter) got dressed and then jumped into the water to swim and then run to Jesus. The Gospel says that Peter was naked in the boat while he fishing. He probably wasn't completely undressed. He might have simply removed his outer garment or was everything but his loin cloth. The Jews at that time were very modest. Stripping down to one's loin cloth was considered naked for all practical purposes.
The Romans typically crucified prisoners fully nude in order to increase their suffering and humiliation but at one point made a slight and temporary, I think, exception (underwear only) for the Jews not because they cared much for Jewish tradition but practical people as they were, they realized that you can't have a public execution if the shocked public all averted their eyes or ran away.
As excited as Peter was, he loved His Lord and His God too much to come before Him improperly dressed so Peter ran up to the Lord in wet clothes.
When Saint John saw Jesus in his Revelations vision he didn't go up to Him and give Our Lord a hug or a "How ya doin'?." John, the beloved disciple, fell on is face prostrate.
We have so many examples from the saints yet many Catholics still act like Jesus is their buddy from the car pool and that He should be grateful that we even came to Mass at all. If a non-Catholic walked into your parish today would he be impressed by what he sees in the pews or would he end up walking out thinking, ' These people don't really believe what they claim.'?
The Pope can give a beautiful example of Catholic life, the priest can give sterling homilies, the nun or monk can shine with goodness but one layperson's lazy behavior can turn the good examples into so much dust in wind.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
well that was horrible
Friday, October 15, 2010
There's no tacky wedding like a Catholic tacky wedding. Ugh!
Oh man, this is bad. Looking at this video reminds me of why so many priests strongly dislike celebrating weddings.
St. Anthony Bridals

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Rest in peace, La Stupenda
Monday, October 11, 2010
the botanica is gone
youth is often wasted on the young

Saturday, October 09, 2010
Is bragging about how poor you are some new Catholic fad?
One woman complained that her friends were mean when she signed up pre-natal food assistance, (I think she was talking about WIC). I stand with the mean friends. WIC is supposed to be for low income pregnant and postpartum women who don't have a lot of options. It provides supplemental food and nutritional information in order to prevent fetal malnutrition and all the maladies and miseries that come with it such as cretinism. It was not meant for people who choose not to work in the field that they studied at college. If you can travel for fun, buy expensive items when the mood strikes you and have a computer at home then you are not the woman who WIC was meant to help. If you are playing at being poor with the knowledge that you can drop the game at any time, then WIC was not intended for you. By taking it you are stealing from women who really need and from the rest of us who work and pay taxes.
Mother Teresa didn't play games. She went to the slums of Calcutta, not to be smug or show everyone how holy she was. She went for the love of Christ. I do hope poor mouthing -- almost bragging about one's low income isn't becoming some new young Catholic trend becuase if it is, someone, and this might be the job for the laity, better step in quick and call it for what it is: silly and insulting to genuinely poor people who don't have the option to change their minds if things stop being cool.

*I enjoy shopping at thrift and consignment shops but I don't consider myself more virtuous that the woman who wouldn't be caught dead in one.
Friday, October 08, 2010
what a week

Carthusians live what looks like a simple, romantic life high in the snowy mountains but a weak person would find it grueling. The monks never stop working. If they aren't laboring, they are at prayer. I wouldn't last a week at a Carthusian monastery but everytime I got tired of my project and daydreamed about Into the Great Silence it was like a tiny moment of vacation.

Thursday, October 07, 2010
burning books=outrage, burning Christians=silence
Random thoughts on Sobran and Skojec and Kathleen Folden
- Joe Sobran died last week and his funeral was on Tuesday. I don't really remember him because he'd been cast out by William F. Buckley long before I was even interested in politics and I didn't like the essays of his that I've read but the reactions to his death fascinated me. There were loving tributes including a touching one from Anne Coulter and remarkable nastiness. One commenter on Fr. Z's blog said that he was not sorry to see Sobran gone. One commenter said he was a Jew hater and anti Israel so she felt nothing at all knowing that he was dead. Another person called him an unstable, rude genius. One Catholic blogger said that she wished he'd been a Protestant instead of a Catholic. Who was this man really and why did he excite such passions so long after his big time writing career was essentially over?
- Steve Skojec wrote an essay on Inside Catholic saying that a lot of Traditionalist Catholics are jerks. The reaction was what you'd expect. You can't spit on people--whether they have it coming or not-- and then expect them to shrug.
- Kathleen Folden saw a tax payer sponsored piece of blasphemy and went St. Boniface on it. A lot of sophisticated Christians are cringing with shame and I don't know where Kathleen stands with the Lord compared to anyone else but the the Lord said something about liking the hot better than the lukewarm, didn't He?
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Go to Peter
I don't think American Catholics appreciate St. Peter as much as we ought to. Maybe it's because his successors are always with us. Perhaps it's because Americans tend to dumb everything down. We either think of Peter as the first pope or we simply think of him as the head of the bumbling apostles.
Have you failed? Have you ever really messed up so horribly that a mere apology will not fix it? Go to Peter. He knows your shame and regret. He betrayed Our Lord three times after boldly saying earlier that night that he'd never do such a thing. Have you ever hidden your Faith so you could blend in with the cool folks? Peter understands. He stood around a fire warming himself with the temple servants. Have you ever been so depressed that you thought everything was hopeless? Peter's been there. From Good Friday to Easter Sunday he thought that everything was lost, that the Light of the world was gone out forever and how it must have scalded his heart when he looked at St. John and Mary.
Have you ever thought, this job is too big for me? Have you listened to your friends when they said, "What can one little person do?" Peter understands that too. He went to Rome and stayed there even though it meant losing his life. Satan and the Romans must have thought after Peter's crucifixion that the Christians were done. They were wrong. As St. Peter hung on the cross dying in agony he knew where he was going. With his help, may you and I get there too.
St. Peter, the apostle, pray for us that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.
Saturday, October 02, 2010
St. Clelia, pray for rme.

Later she told me an extended and particularly filthy sodomy joke. I can not repeat it in print and I don't want to hear it again in my mind. Both times I changed the subject. I should've spoken up.That was gutless on my part and I am determined that it will never happen again.
St. Clelia, physically delicate but spirtually a little lioness, pray for me.