Saturday, June 08, 2024

Are you still defending Rupnik's art?

To everyone who still defends the mosaics by the foul and vicious Fr. Marko Rupnik because they think you must separate the art from the artist and who use the "Caravaggio gave the Church some of her greatest art, yet he was crazy and once committed murder," excuse,  I ask you to do two  things: look and then consider. Go somewhere that has Rupnik's work, such as the  JPII Shrine   or look at one of his mosaics online then consider this: The woman who cut or placed  the individual pieces that make up the mosaic may have been one of the nuns that Fr. Rupnik abused, physically, psychologically, and sexually. 

Caravagio got into a fight with a pimp and killed him. Rupnik is accused of creating a cult of personality, and of attempting to have sex with as many nuns as possible in the convent he co-founded. Some sources say that he abused 20 women, other sources it was more like 40. He's accused of breaking a nun's finger. He is accused of forcing a nun to drink his semen from a chalice. You know that the chalice only has one purpose so this was also an act of stomach turning blasphemy and desecration. 

Apparently, if you were a female interested in art and were at the Loyola Convent or at the Aletti Center you faced being crushed mentally by the weight of Rupnik's unchecked narcissism.  Your blood, sweat and tears went into those ugly mosaics. If you were one of those who got the courage to complain you were either ignored and called crazy or punished for lying. This went on for 30 years and who knows what's going on in his retreat in Slovenia. 

The  Loyola Community convent has been shut down and thank God. It was not a true convent, where nuns served and worshipped Jesus, but a cult and the apparent god was Rupnik. The  Alleti Center needs to be defunded. Both entities didn't just happen while the eyes of the shepherds were elsewhere. Like a number of  apostolates, movements, and orders that came about or gained popularity in the 80s and 90s these were lavishly cultivated and admired like putrid corpse flowers in a botanical garden.