I think I may turn this into next year's greeting card.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Holy Family Flight into Egypt
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Holy Innocents & St. Thomas a Becket
- Herod was a monster but today's politicians are no better than the old usurper king
- Rocky ushered for the Christmas Eve Family Mass. I'll be honest. It's not my favorite Mass. We get a lot of visitors and a surprising number are rude, drunk and cranky about not being able to find a seat in the crowded church.This year, however, went very well. There was only one girl dressed like a cocktail waitress and the one person who had a noticeable nip of alcohol before Mass was sweet and cheerful instead of unpleasant. Two not so lovely people decided to tell our elderly organist that they didn't like the music. I told him not to let them get him down. After Mass the ushers made quick work of straightening up and taking out the trash. The ushers who were coming back for Midnight Mass got last minute instructions from Father and then headed home to rest for a few hours.
- Hilary White has written about the need for a revival of the beguine movement, that is devout, unmarried lay women coming together to pray and serve God in charitable works. She points out that the Vatican doesn't seem all that friendly to real nuns and as we saw in Oklahoma recently, things can get really interesting when a new bishop takes over. Mother Miriam's young religious community is being kicked out. Beguines would not be dependent on the bishop's good will. A few women have chosen the consecrated virgin route and work in the private sector but spend as much time as they can serving in their parishes. There is nothing to stop them from joining together and finding a house to rent. A band of lay women pursuing holiness in community is not a solution to the terrible damage that has been dealt to religious life but it's an option.
- Do you remember how weird things kept happening to Pope Benedict? He went to Israel and an unscheduled Palestinian girl "surprised" everyone when she stood up and screamed a poem about life in Gaza. His valet stole from him. His most trusted aide allowed him to be photographed with a hat that was far too big for him and that made him look ridiculous, like an old woman wearing her clothes from her youth. A homoerotic circus act performed for him during the annual Golden Circus festival, and the cameramen did not avert the cameras to the pope, the audience or the floor but lingered the frankly lewd looking acrobats. Vatileaks happened. His brother, who may be in his dottage said embarrassing things and apparently nobody in the Vatican tried to keep reporters away from him or even bravely and honestly said to the pope, "Every time your big brother opens his mouth he makes you look a fool." Rumors were spread that he had a penchant for wandering around Rome in a regular priest's cassock and that there was a pedophilia scandal in Germany about to break.... it was as if none of the men who are supposed to help the pope did their jobs either due to massive total incompetence or malice. Isn't it interesting how these things suddenly stopped when Francis took over?
- A few days ago members of my husband's parish men's group were shocked to learn that a former member and friend, "Pauley" has left the church. He has joined the Orthodox. He did not tell anybody beforehand and simply posted it on Facebook. I was not surprised. A lot of people are upset right now and being crushed by what is coming out of the Vatican on a daily basis. Pauley is a young man with a wife and children. He was devout and hungered for holiness. His career took him to a pagan country where the Orthodox are vigorously evangelizing. He looked at their passion and manly vigor and looked at Catholicism which is currently controlled by men who seem to think everything goes except for piety, self control and following the Faith of the saints. He's not the only one who is quietly going East. You can't keep feeding people garbage and expect them to say thanks. None of the men in Rocky's group are great preachers but even if they were nothing they or any good priest can say would change Pauley's mind right now. He is a long way from home and his Orthodox priest and new church family are surrounding him with new convert love. Please, in your charity pray for him and all the other Pauleys' out there.
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Pray for us, St. Thomas |
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Friday, December 23, 2016
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Our Lady of Guadalupe Extremadura of Spain
The Mexican image of Our Lady is more famous but the story of the Spanish image is no less fascinating. HT to OnePeterFive.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
This painting reminds me of my favorite time in church. Just before Mass it's still dark except for the sanctuary and candles.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Random thoughts while fighting off a headache
- I love this painting. It's such a peaceful little moment in the Divine Infancy.
- Our Lady was NOT an unwed mother. She and Joseph were betrothed. Under the betrothal system the bride and groom wouldn't live together until the wedding which would happen as soon as the groom had the household ready and the date was one that good for all the parties involved, but to put it plainly, they had all the rights and duties of marriage. You do not contemplate divorcing a fiancee, you divorce a wife. If you want to make an unwed mother feel better about herself you could tell her about St. Margaret of Cortona but do not her that the pure mother of God was once just like her and things worked out...
- Jesus was NOT an illegal alien. His parents fled local strong man, Herod but they were moving from one Roman territory to another. It was like moving to Pennsylvania because things in Virginia got too hot for you with the local constabulary, something that happened to one of Rocky relatives. No matter where you went in Rome's territory, no matter what language was spoken or what gods the people were enthralled by, your overlord was Caesar Augustus.
- Cowardice doesn't work. It disgusts your own people and just encourages the attacker.
- The next big pedophilia scandal of the future will occur because people showed willful stupidity in the present. One day, men, not even born yet will curse the people who allowed this horror to take root.
- I only find statues with electricity in Italian or Polish parishes in Baltimore and Pennsylvania so it's always a little thrill when I see them.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
The Cherry Tree Carol
The Cherry Tree Carol goes back to the 15th century and it was carried by Scottish and Irish immigrants from Great Britain to the Appalachian mountains.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Sunday, December 11, 2016
I could have done without that.
Many decades ago my newlywed mother went out to dinner with my father and his family. She was impressed by the incredibly stunning woman sitting at another table. To her astonishment my aunt whispered to her that the woman was not a woman at all but a man dressed up like one. My mother was 21 and it was 1963. She'd never known such a thing existed when she was a country girl and would have preferred not to know that it did now that she was in DC. Many Catholics who read about the pope's latest astonishing comments really could have done without knowing that there are men who get sexual enjoyment from eating feces and they are horrified that a priest, bishop or pope would bring that up in public. Randy Engel , Ann Barhardt and Maureen Mullarkey all had something to say about this. I could add my comments but that would be like being a
Thursday, December 08, 2016
Wednesday, December 07, 2016
Possibly my favorite image of St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas, it was said would reward good children and punish bad ones on Christmas Eve. The first time I saw this I was startled but then I saw how relievd both the parents look and giggled. Obviously their son was quite a little stinker.
Monday, December 05, 2016
Random thoughts after a week of travel
This old painting of St. Francis with the Stigmata is very different from the feminized, cartoon-like versions we see today. |
- This really has been a dizzying, stunning year, Brexit, the Cubs win, Trump wins and Fidel Castro died.
- An autistic woman had to flee from church last week. The noise from the out of control children in a family that came late was just too much for her. I hope she can find her way to a Tridentine Mass.
- Bishop McElroy of San Diego promises a "mass mobilization" if any "immigrants" (people who strolled in the US and continue to live here illegally) are deported. I have a feeling that the Bishop is going to be very surprised because there are probably a lot of people in San Diego don't dare speak out but are privately fed up with all the social ills that have come with massive illegal immigration. Perhaps the bishop should take a page from Bishop "Dagger" John Hughes of New York. Bishop Hughes heroically defended his Irish flock but he also ordered his school nuns to teach that thrift and order was good, drunkenness was bad and that good citizens work hard and contribute. He did not condone using the US as a flop house and spent his life trying to integrate his people into the fabric of America. He had his priests back him up in their preaching and in encouraging parish groups dedicated to self help and civic minded behavior. Within one generation Irish violent crime dropped from 60% to less than 10%. Instead we have Bishop McElroy turning a blind eye an endless wave of crime and social insecurity.
- The Somali "teen" who tried to kill people at Ohio State was originally supported by Catholic Charities. Catholic Charities picked his family up from the airport, housed them, fed them and probably provided medical care for 23 days in Texas. When that little tidbit made the various news outlets the comments from readers were pretty harsh. Even the people who identified themselves as Catholic were horrified.
- My mother and I went on a short visit to South Carolina to visit relatives and the family graves. It was beautiful but I missed Rocky, who couldn't come with us this time. I'm exhausted from the train travel but I'm so glad we made this trip.
- Oh.....no Father....just no.
- The Captain: Why do you weep?The Creature: He was my father.Whenever I look at a picture of the pope or read the latest thing he's said I am reminded of the last two lines from Kenneth Brannagh's "Frankenstein," movie. It was a silly, bloated movie and there was no explanation as to why the monster, played by Robert DiNiro sounded like he was from Queens but it did have a few near perfect moments and that last scene was one of them. The monster weeps because of all that has happened between him and Frankenstein and for what might have been. When you realize that your father doesn't love you it is an occasion for grief whether you are a seven foot tall monster from fiction or Catholic sighing in the pew. Most of my family is Baptist and it's been very hard defending the Faith to them this year more so than ever.
Friday, December 02, 2016
Thursday, December 01, 2016
Monday, November 28, 2016
I guess it's safe to say that Cardinal Dolan doesn't care if anyone is scandalized
He's gonna dance with the Rockettes every year and any priest or lay person who is working at the chancery better grin and clap....
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Friday, November 25, 2016
In Sinu Jesu
A few days ago I read about a book, In Sinu Jesu that one of Rorate Caeli's team of writers, really likes. It is recommended for use during Adoration and is praised by Cardinal Burke. I bought it and read it and I have to say that it made me a little uneasy. The book is written by anonymous Benedictine and is his reflections on his inner locutions from Our Lord and Our Lady. The thing that bothers me is that the words of Our Lord in this book are...well... gooey. I cannot imagine the Christ speaking like this. Some people find the dialogue in St. Faustina's diary to be too sugary but I'll let that pass because she was a simple young woman with a girlish vocabulary and who grew up in culture quite different from the post World War II West. The priest who wrote this book is a modern, educated American male so there would be no need for Our Lord to speak to him in such precious way.
There is so much repetition that I found myself skipping pages. Would God say the same thing day after day, year after year? God spoke to Moses and Noah with clear commands and He did not repeat Himself like a mother telling her kid to pick up his socks for the 50th time in a month. The volume of inner locutions worried me too. When I compare the amount of locutions of In Sinu Jesu to what was said succinctly stated to Saints Gertrude, Margaret Mary, Catherine Laboure and St. Teresa of Avila it just seems so different. The chattiness in In Sinu Jesu reminds me of Medjugorje and Fr. Gobbi.
I'm not knocking the priest. To his credit, he is not chatting on EWTN or hitting the lecture circuit. He's only published his diary and done so anonymously. He remains quietly at his work in the monastery and in adoration of the Lord. However, it's possible that Father is mistaken about what he is hearing and the Church does not require us to accept every word from every mystic. My parish priest is busy so I'm not going to bother him or our parochial vicar with it but I'd be interested to see what a good theologian priest's reaction to it would be to this book. For safety's sake I will stick to time tested and Church approved guides such as Imitation of Christ,or Visits to the Blessed Sacrament by St. Alphonsus or the great devotion of the rosary when I'm at Adoration.
There is so much repetition that I found myself skipping pages. Would God say the same thing day after day, year after year? God spoke to Moses and Noah with clear commands and He did not repeat Himself like a mother telling her kid to pick up his socks for the 50th time in a month. The volume of inner locutions worried me too. When I compare the amount of locutions of In Sinu Jesu to what was said succinctly stated to Saints Gertrude, Margaret Mary, Catherine Laboure and St. Teresa of Avila it just seems so different. The chattiness in In Sinu Jesu reminds me of Medjugorje and Fr. Gobbi.
I'm not knocking the priest. To his credit, he is not chatting on EWTN or hitting the lecture circuit. He's only published his diary and done so anonymously. He remains quietly at his work in the monastery and in adoration of the Lord. However, it's possible that Father is mistaken about what he is hearing and the Church does not require us to accept every word from every mystic. My parish priest is busy so I'm not going to bother him or our parochial vicar with it but I'd be interested to see what a good theologian priest's reaction to it would be to this book. For safety's sake I will stick to time tested and Church approved guides such as Imitation of Christ,or Visits to the Blessed Sacrament by St. Alphonsus or the great devotion of the rosary when I'm at Adoration.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving
The people at work have been carrying on and being miserable about the election. Several people claimed to be dreading Thanksgiving because their Republican relatives will be so happy. Some were even talking about staying home and sulking. Good grief. Naturally I've kept my mouth shut but inside I've lost so much respect for my attorneys. Grown men and women pouting and dropping the F- word in the office is not pleasant at all.
I've been looking forward to Thanksgiving all month just like every year and as a Catholic I'm always amused that the first one really was in Spanish colonial Florida and was the holy Mass.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
A woman to admire
Being Catholic I am perfectly used to powerful women and having gone to all girl schools I know that the female of the species can be more ferocious than the male under the right circumstances. Consequently, neither Hilary Clinton nor 90% of female politicians today impress me. Although some people are calling Pope John Paul II "great," the name hasn't stuck yet. That is a rare title for a very few male saints and only one woman, that I know of, a German Benedictine nun, who was blessed with visitations from the Lord, St. Gertrude the Great. Her writings won the admiration of St. Teresa of Avila who looked at her as a role model. Both St. Philip Neri and St. Francis de Sales used her prayers and recommended her book, Herald of Divine Love. If you want a role model skip the pop starlets and singers and take a look at the Great One.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Sunday, November 20, 2016
A day in St. Mary's County
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St. John Regis, Hollywood, Maryland |
Rocky took a rare Saturday off so we went for a drive in Southern Maryland. We went to the Patuxent Naval Air Museum and after that to Mass at St. John Regis. It is a lovely little old church with a wonderful historic cemetery. Mass started and there was no priest. People began looking around with concern and then the old priest announced from the choir loft that nothing was wrong with him but that there was going to be guest priest and he was caught in traffic. So we waited 15 minutes and when Father Guest came he apologized. Someone told the dear man that it was only 30 minutes from Baltimore to Hollywood, Maryland and since he comes from Congo he had no reason to doubt that. He gave a fine homily. The whole Mass was reverent and the cantor stayed in the choir loft. After Mass we went to Golden Coral for dinner. We realized that we are not Golden Coral people but the chocolate fountain was nice.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Friday, November 18, 2016
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Stop the man bashing!
Our Lady of the Forsaken, Pray for Us
This November let's remember all the people in Purgatory who have been dead so long that there is no-one left alive who even knew that they ever lived, much less remembering to pray for them.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
Our Lady, Pray For Us
Thank you, Mother. That horrible woman didn't win. I'm almost afraid to go to work today. My bosses are heavily Democrat and are going to be miserable.
Tuesday, November 08, 2016
Monday, November 07, 2016
The Rockford diocese video is not cute. In fact it's embarrassing.
This is not cute. In fact it's very disturbing. Seeing a priest sing along to Bruno Mars, Meghan Trainor, Taylor Swift, Lil Jon* and Justin Timberlake songs reminds me of when I was a teenager and absolutely appalled when my 12th grade religion teacher, Brother Ray or any of my high school nuns tried to act like kids. Their attempts at being hipsters did not inspire me. In fact, by the time I graduated I had lost respect for Brother Ray and mostly pitied him. If you want to inspire your son to think about a religious vocation I wouldn't show him this video. Hand him a book on the lives of some definitely not cool priests instead.
St. Ignatius of Antioch, Blesseds Zenon and Ivan, Sts. John Vianney and John Fisher, pray for us.
* The Lil Jon song is "Turn Down For What?" The phrase "turn down" means stop drinking or using drugs and get sober. The protagonist in the song is saying that he is having a great time and doesn't see a reason to clean himself up and get off whatever mood altering substance he is on. The official video to the song is pornographic. Do you think it's cute for your priest to be singing a song like this?
Saturday, November 05, 2016
Thank you Dr. Tait
In 1883, Dr. Lawson Tait invented the salpinectomy a procedure which saved my life after a ruptured ectopic pregnancy years ago in November. Now that I know his name I will pray for him.
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