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Random thoughts while watching the snow
- There is much talk about where the men are in Church these days. Some are attempting to solve it by making safe spaces for men, which is rather pitiful right there. Louis Verrechio has in this video sampled the Fix the Men movement and doesn't like it at all.
- We are supposed to get up somewhere around 30 inches of snow tonight. With some reluctance the powers that be at my job let us all leave early at noon. Even with that I just managed to catch the last bus home. When I got here I tried out Gordon Ramsey's scrambled eggs method (too much work and no more fluffy that my usual method), ate the eggs and decided to go take a nap.
- Rocky and I went grocery shopping on Wednesday and I saw something interesting and somewhat chilling. People were really aggressive. One man even tried to shove his way into the check out line. A lot of people think that as long as you aren't in a city during a national emergency you'll be okay. Not so. The barely controlled individuals that I saw two days ago were all comfortable suburbanites. Some of the worse savages that will arise in a national emergency just might be our own neighbors.

- In parishes around the world, Holy Thursday has been a sad and sometimes sacrilegious side show for years. Now the side show is official.
- I just found this video of my parish's Silver Jubilee Mass. It looks like they were remodeling or the church wasn't finished yet.
- My great Aunt Lucy passed away last week and the funeral was yesterday. She was 88 and according to cousins who were able to make it, the funeral was ruined by the pastor. People who want married priests tend to think that it will work like the Orthodox. Nonsense. The average American Catholic outside of New York City has never seen a Greek or Russian Orthodox person. Most of us have never seen a Byzantine Catholic church, much less met a Byzantine Catholic. Let's face it, we live in what was once a Protestant country and most of us act just like Protestants. The odds are that a married priest and his parishioners would behave like Baptists.. I bring this up because there is a fight going on in my late great aunts church and part of is it is due to the head preacher being single and dating. He has chosen a woman in the congregation and given her an engagement ring. Some factions in the church are unhappy because they think this woman will not make a good First Lady. Others are unhappy because they think the preacher should've chosen one of them instead. Naturally, the family members of the woman the preacher did choose are defensive of her. Lines have been drawn and sides have been taken. The preacher's love life has tongues flapping and the fight over him and with him spilled over into my great aunt's funeral. Open the door to a married priesthood and Catholics will get be "enriched" with these kinds of scenes.